Webcomics featuring Razi
The Long Run – page 84
Portraits: Hali and Razi Doing a Science
This piece started out life as a character design sketch. Later on I went back and redrew parts of it to make it consistent with the final designs for Hali and Razi, and then added color to finish it out. This was colored with marker, watercolor, colored pencil, and acrylic paint.
Annual Comics: Year 1
A standalone single-pager I did to celebrate the first year of the webcomic.
Annual Comics: Year 2
A single page comic I did to celebrate the second year of publishing the webcomic. You could think of this as a “deleted scene” from Chapter 4 of The Long Run if you like. It was, in fact, a panel I ended up cutting, though the dialogue is a new addition. This is colored with… Continue reading Annual Comics: Year 2
Concept Art: Cashel Waystation
Here’s the original concept art for the Cashel Waystation, as well as the inks for our first peek at the interior on page 21. As you can see, this ended up being very close to the final design. Sometimes it takes several rounds to work out the look I’m going for, but with the Cashel… Continue reading Concept Art: Cashel Waystation