Webcomics from Valley of the Silk Sky
The Long Run – page 93
The Long Run – page 94
The Long Run – page 95
Concept Art: Pocalo
This is one of the earliest pieces of concept art I created for Valley of the Silk Sky, nailing down the visuals for what the web structure of Pocalo looked like. There aren’t any cities or settlements visible here because I hadn’t gotten that far yet.
Concept Art: Pocalo
These sketches are all based on real microscopes of centuries past. I wanted to start with a working microscope design instead of just making something up whole cloth, but I wanted it to look substantially different from a modern instrument. Thankfully, past humans had come up with some looks that fit nicely with the VotSS… Continue reading Concept Art: Pocalo
Portraits: Hali and Razi Doing a Science
This piece started out life as a character design sketch. Later on I went back and redrew parts of it to make it consistent with the final designs for Hali and Razi, and then added color to finish it out. This was colored with marker, watercolor, colored pencil, and acrylic paint.
Portraits: Halvanylila
Another piece that started out as a concept sketch, trying to figure out what Harcos look like from behind. A black & white version of this drawing was featured in the 2015 Queers & Comics Conference playing card deck fundraiser. This particular version is ink lines printed out onto blue charcoal paper, and then hand-colored… Continue reading Portraits: Halvanylila
Annual Comics: Year 1
A standalone single-pager I did to celebrate the first year of the webcomic.
Annual Comics: Year 2
A single page comic I did to celebrate the second year of publishing the webcomic. You could think of this as a “deleted scene” from Chapter 4 of The Long Run if you like. It was, in fact, a panel I ended up cutting, though the dialogue is a new addition. This is colored with… Continue reading Annual Comics: Year 2