Valley of the Silk Sky - Chadsen portrait

Portraits: Chadsen

Portraits: Chadsen published on

This particular portrait started out as a concept sketch for what a typical runner’s outfit might look like, using Chadsen as a model, even though xer character design hadn’t been totally finalized at that point. I went back later to ink and color the sketch, and made some corrections to Chadsen’s appearance to match xer… Continue reading Portraits: Chadsen

Valley of the Silk Sky - waystation concept art

Concept Art: Cashel Waystation

Concept Art: Cashel Waystation published on

Here’s the original concept art for the Cashel Waystation, as well as the inks for our first peek at the interior on page 21. As you can see, this ended up being very close to the final design. Sometimes it takes several rounds to work out the look I’m going for, but with the Cashel… Continue reading Concept Art: Cashel Waystation